Thursday, January 24, 2008
Basic economics; gov't checks to stimulate the economy
-0- The checks the politicians are talking about sending out is the right thing to do. It won't stop a recession, but it might make it shorter and less painful.
-0- It is best to send checks to the poor and middle class because they will spend it and it will bounce around in the economy as it is respent, respent, respent...
-0- However the gov't has no money to send to us. The money will have to be borrowed from the Social Security Trust fund (to which the gov't already owes gazillions of $$) or borrowed in the form of gov't bonds which will likely be sold to Chinese, Indians, or Europeans. One day they may stop lending us money because we such a big federal debts.
-0- Nevertheless, the politicians are falling over themselves to supoort the idea because an election is coming. They want our votes. What better way than to buy them?
If you want to know more I can bore you for a couple of hours more on this.
Prof. Grandpa the grump
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Senior Center
And to sink further into old age, I had lunch at the senior center today. It was good. We will go back.
It's good it is there, it keeps us old people "off the streets and out of the pool halls", as they used to say about kids when I was young.
grandpa the grump.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Just a Few Pictures of the Ryser Fam

I took this picture the day of the BYU/Utah football game, thinking of Uncle Kim. That was quite a long time ago! Our family has kind of been MIA from the blog lately.
On Thursday I took the girls to Sweet and Sassy to get their hair cut. It was a cute place. You can't really tell, but Lainie is modeling a glitter star they put on her cheek after her hair cut. They also got to choose a scent for their hair like melon, cotton candy, etc., have glitter spray in their hair, and pick out a pretty-shaped sucker. Needless to say, they were in girly girl heaven.
Love the freebees from the Jazz games (JK--they are usually tacky). Garrett is sporting the Jazz sweat band handed out at last Saturday's game.
We have been living in our new house now for a week. We are loving having our own space, and believe me there is a lot of it--empty space that is!! Even though we only have beds to sleep in and folding chairs or the floor to sit on, our place is feeling like home and I love it more every day. Who am I kidding anyway? Like I ever sit down!
I finally got my kitchen all unpacked except for perhaps some hidden box or two in the garage. Yesterday the girls found a box of toys they hadn't seen for six months, and it was just like Christmas. It took a while to put it all away, but they kept quite occupied.
We hope you all are doing well. We love you all. Come visit us in freezing cold Utah.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
"Be of good cheer"
At our Stake conference Jennifer's former mission president (he was a visiting Regional rep.)talked about having an attitiude of cheerfulness in missionary work.
John 16/33: "These things I have spoken to you that in me you might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
D&C 78/18; "And ye cannot bear all things now, nevertheless, be of good cheer for I will lead you along. The kingdon is yours and the blessings thereof are yours and the riches of eternity are yours." (and a whole lot more)
I am disappointed by the few postings on our blog. Can we hear from the g'children, pls? They are the ones with interesting lives and ideas. More postings from adult children would be nice, also.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Recognition to Madeleine
She received several awards. 1st-Honor roll,2ndThumbs-up for 2 traits-thoughtfulness and being hard-working-3rd-student of the month for Sept- and for November(positive attitude and kindness)
I am proud of all her hard work and all of her teachers love and appreciate her help.
Love you Madeleine
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
In honor of the beginning of the election...a quote
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Val's New Blog....Food for Thought
Just further proof that I'm the black sheep perhaps?????
I can't help's hereditary; from my Dad, only he hasn't fully embraced the beauty in his darkness. It's actually that we both have a "5" in our HD profile. It makes us heretics by nature.
I'll also share a wish for the new year with you:
May the integrity of Peace and Truth be celebrated in this year.
May love and courage shine in your heart stronger than ever, and may you find within you the light of a thousand suns to blaze through whatever challenges you face in the times ahead.
May you meet the suffering of the world with compassion, both for your self and for others
May you shatter your self-imposed limitations with fierce honesty and persistant love.
May you invite the demons (that means your fears, kids) to show their faces with the confidence of your inner strength, knowing there is no darkness you cannot face with love in your heart.
May you find yourself in many unexpected fields of wild flowers and circles of compassionate friends.
May we share laughter and tears with openness and freedom.
May we recognize the heart of ourselves in the eyes of each we meet.
May you follow your inspirations, your heart and your dreams more fully than ever before.
When you feel awkward, know you are walking your own edge and growth and healing are also present.
Deep Breath.............
By Haneli (my yoga teacher who died this last year).
Also, to appreciate each day as a gift, read the update of my friend Paul's daughter, who has been at death's door for years now, and continues to stay with us, and she shares her wish for all of us as she waits to pass.........
Love to you, Val
Lesson from the O.T.
The days of our lives are three score and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is thier strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off , and we fly away.
So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearsts unto wisdom."
The lesson: In 2008, don't waste your days watching TV, cruising the internet, and wasting time. (Book of John W.)
HAPPY 2008 !!!
I hope you know how very much I LOVE each of you.
I am so richly blessed to have such a wonderful family.