Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Comrade Returns!

Justin's official release date is Jan. 21st! He does not have a flight plan yet, but says he should probably be returning to Portland late in the afternoon or evening....so save the time if you want to go to the airport.

I will also host an Open House for him the following Sunday evening, the 25th from 6-9 at my home. YOu're invited!


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! Just last week Will and I were watching family videos and there were a bunch of Justin and a bunch of others of us when we were really little.

matriarch said...

I can hardly wait!! It's going to be a HUGE adustment for him but he'll do fine. He'll be home before we know it. Where on earth did those two years go? I know it undoubtedly went slower for his mom.
Grandma Sharon