A couple of weeks ago Senator Orrin Hatch said that the Obama health plan would lead to socialism.
Tell us how that will happen, Senator, step bgy step Betcha can't. "Socialism" and "communism"- God help us! You know that just by saying the "s" word people will take you seriously. This "S" word objection to the "O" health plan seems to set the unthinking masses off in a red-faced vein busting panic.
Think! We already have Medicare and Medicaid and the VA which are "socialistic". And they work pretty well. Surely we are doomed already??
Furthermore, our highways, libraries, military, Judicial systems are "socialistic". We all pay into them and share the fuits.
Here is a rational objection to the Obama health plan: He says it won't cost most of us anything becasue he will cut waste in the Medicare/Medicaid and use the $ to pay for covering 30-45 million new patients. Doubtful. There may well be that much waste in the system, but finding it, stopping it and collecting the money will be difficult and unlikely.
i agree. people are so worried about this "socialism" when, like you said... we have MANY organizations that help us that are socialistic. The fire department, police, schools... things we don't even realize. But health care? OH NO!
While I really don't know much about it and do not necessarily agree with Obama's plan. I think people need to stop labeling and name calling and say something productive.
Thanks g'pa! And I like your rational objection.
Also, I hate this background. It is hard to read the words. And what is up with all the flashing on the right?
I TOTALLY agree with Glen!! This nation is headed for trouble if this steam roller to socialism isn't stopped dead in its tracks!!
People need to get their heads out of the sand.
Watch or read the piece of work called "The End of America"...eye-opening. You can watch her speaking or being interviewed on YOuTube.
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