Brooke has completed yet another painting that amazes me!! The kid is eight years old and has painted some beautiful pictures in her art classes. Mark and I often wonder just how much help she may get from her art teacher because of what she is able to create. She found a photograph in a book of cats that she wanted to paint and the result left me speechless. Brooke has been taking art classes once a week for two years and did some summer art camps a few summers before that. She has loved anything to do with creating art since she was two or three. When she was three and in preschool she used to come home from school with the best little creations in "choice time." She and her friends always chose the art table at choice time, often instead of snacks even! Back then she said her favorite thing about school was "arting." They made a paper laptop that opened and closed and had a little mouse attached with a paper cord. She and her friend Rex did an impressive joint rendition of the crucifixion at Easter time when they were four complete with stick figures holding swords and a stick figure bleeding on the cross (I don't mean to trivialize the crucifixion by refering to it so lightly). This was completely on their own. I lost both of these favorite little art projects in the hurricane--some of the things I regret losing the most. Anyway, she is still busy creating. What a kid!!!
WOAH! Are you kidding me? People would buy that...
That is sooooo impressive. GO BROOKE!
I'm speechless. Can't believe she could do that. She is a painting child prodigy?
WOW!! This is absolutely amazing!!!
This girl is going places in the art world!!
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