Courtney tagged me so here goes:
What's his name?
John Russell Wilkins
How long have we been married?
47 LONG years. (ha ha)
How long did we date?
He asked me to dance at a Sock Hop when we were in high school. Wee had a Chemisry
class together. He was a senior and I was a junior. While we were dancing he asked me
to go to a movie with him the next night and I
said 'yes'. His family had already moved to Las Vegas and he stayed behind with his
grandparents until he graduated from high school two weeks later. We saw each other every
night until he left. By this time we were pretty serious and we had a hard time saying
goodbye. I don't know about him but somehow I knew that he was who I wanted to marry.
We talked on the phone once in a while. Then he called and asked if I would like to come to
Las Vegas for a visit and to meet his family. I asked my parents and they said it would be
alright since they knew his family on both sides. (Wilkins and Woodruffs). I traveled by train
from Pocatello to Las Vegas. He met me at the train station and took me home to meet his
family. We had a great time while I was there. His parents took us to see the Four Lads at
the Thunderbird Hotel. This was pretty cool stuff for a small town girl who had never been
further south than Salt Lake.
That fall he moved to Logan to attend Utah State University and he would drive to Blackfoot
occasionally to see me. We wrote letters back and forth over the months. He had to pay his
way through college so he would work during the summer at the Nevada Test site and make
enough money to get through two or three semesters of school.
This is getting too long so I'll just say that we dated and wrote letters back and forth from
1957-the summer of 1960. He asked me to marry him in June of 1960 and we were
married in October that year.
How old is he?
Who eats more?
Definitely him but he seems to lose weight much easier when he tries.
Who said 'I love you' first?
I really can't remember.
Who is taller?
He is. He's 5' 10" and I'm 5' 6"
Who sings better?
Probably me. Although my voice changed dramatically after I had to start having
injections of progesterone when I was 14. I had dreams of becoming a colleratura
soprano and was taking voice lessons. The hormones dashed my dreams. Now my
voice is more alto.
Who is smarter?
I would say he is smarter in some areas and I am smarter in others.
Who's temper is worse?
I think we have both mellowed in our temperament over the years.
Who does the laundry?
We both do it when the need arises.
Who does the dishes?
Both of us.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed.
We've found we get better rest in separate beds due to snoring and sleep apnea
machine issues.
Who pays the bills?
I do.
Who mows the lawn?
We have landscapers here in our complex
Who cooks dinner?
I do but we find ourselves eating out more than we used to or eating frozen
dinners. I'm getting tired of cooking after all these years.
Who drives when you're together?
I do because I'm a 'control freak'.
Who is more stubborn?
We both have occasions of stubborness.
Who is first to admit when wrong?
We've both improved in that area somewhat. Sometimes we are at loggerheads.
Whose parents do you see the most?
My parents are both deceased and his mother lives in Las Vegas. We get to see
her once or twice a year.
Who has more friends?
I think I do. I'm always going out to lunch with friends. He goes out with friends
occasionally. However, many of his friends live out of state.
Who has more siblings?
He has four brothers and I have two brothers. My brothers are both deceased
and his are all living.
Who wears the pants in the family?
Over the years we have found ways to negotiate on most things. Neither of us
bullies the other.
Now I tag Andrea and Jennifer.