Sunday, March 30, 2008

If you're inclined

Between computer glitches and busy schedules, I haven't been writing much of anything lately, but for a change, I had a quiet day to myself, so I thought I'd sit down and see what happened.

When I sit down to write, I never really have a plan. I sit down with a thought and it just happens. Well, today, I ended up putting in writing, for the first time, some of my spiritual journey and my thoughts about it. If I offend anyone, please accept my apology. If you have questions, ask....if you enjoyed it, tell me. If I'm a lost cause, so be it.

You can check it out at


1 comment:

jenn said...

I was not at all offended by this post.It made me think a lot.I do see things differently in many ways or perceive things,interpret things differently.I will always love you being my sister and how you have always made me laugh,and still do.