A question for you "compassionate conservatives", you "ditto heads", you yelping anti-government angry tea party types:
When the financial system is in collapse (never mind why and who) where can we turn? Who is the lender of last resort? Can we appeal to God? Doubt it.
When the economy enters a mega-recession what do we do? Nothing? Doubtful. Who do we turn to? Could we get a loan from the World Bank or some other global organization?
The government is the "lender of last resort", (based on Chinese money). The gov't is the last source we can turn to for a solution. Your conservative plan would be to do what?
You rage on that turning to the gov't is "socialism"; "God forbid, we're just a step away from being communists"! Lock the door and get the shotgun!
Obama has made it clear that he does not want to be in the car and financial business and that he wants out ASAP. Yes, I know, "he is a lying muslim". Wackos on the internet say so, so it must be true.
Government has a crucial role to play now in the U.S. All governements are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Governments are communal, social organizatins to deal with big problems. Remember gov't "socialism" saved America during the great depression.
What we have now is imperfect government trying to deal with large and dangerous problems. Call it socialism if you want, but its not.
Try thinking thru the problems rather than let "rush" (a fat millionaire ex-drugie, hate monger)and his playmates tell you what to think. Try to let a bit of reason overcome some of your anger and sneering.
How much longer do I have to keep trying to educate you angry right wingers?
John W., a rational capitalist American
Wow, that did stir some anger in me. So far, all of Obama's spending has done little to provide tangible improvement. His people fabricate numbers of jobs saved with all of his stimulus spending. But the unemployment rate does not improve. I don't have a great solution, but continuing to spend money we don't have on programs that fail (i.e. cash for clunkers and Obamacare which will ruin quality healthcare for all of us) isn't a good solution either. I would love for Obama and the lefties to succeed in turning our economy around. I hope they do. I'll be the happiest to admit I was wrong. All I want is for our country to prosper and be safe. Can I point out that Obama's approval rating is below 50 percent. Apparently I am not alone in disapproving of his choices. Also, have you ever thought that it's insulting to assume that I think the way I do just because I respect and listen to Rush and Glenn? I do have a brain and the ability to think and reason for myself. You did a very good job of illustrating anger and sneering, and I quote, "a fat millionaire ex-druggie, hate monger." Hmmm, does that sound angry to you? Glenn Beck is not angry. I happily listen to him every day and HE IS NOT ANGRY. Rush is definitely coarse but mostly humorously arrogant and super intelligent. Neither are hate mongers. None of you in our family who call them names and think they are so terrible even listen to them enough to know. As if the liberals can even run and maintain a national radio talkshow! A quick gander at Glenn's website and a soundbite here and there aren't enough. Go hug some trees or polar bears and save them from the global warming scheme once again fabricated to enslave us into more government dependency. That doesn't mean I don't believe in protecting our environment. It means that the global warming hysteria was based on flawed and cherry picked climate data which has not been reproducible. I love you anyway, but you people are killing me! I just wasted 20 minutes of my precious time on this. Can we STOP making the family blog a political forum? I'm going to take a cute picture of my kids and post something family oriented and happy and blog worthy.
In love, I say, no one forced you to 'waste your precious time' responding.
It is a sign of maturity to be able to allow someone their own opinion without feeling the need to defend your own. No one has to be wrong for you to be ok seeing things differently. Life is too short, sweetie!
I'm pretty sure most people don't see political debate, even disagreement, as a sign of maturity or a lack thereof. It's not ok for me to comment on Dad's post? Would you rather I make my own post and then it's ok for me to express my political beliefs?
By the way, I'm such a close minded blind sheep that I (me myself, not the Glenn and Rush that dictate my every thought) thought the State of the Union address was really quite good. It SOUNDED good. I don't have faith that Obama can deliver all that happiness and improvement, but it was a great speech. I even enjoyed the clever, not so subtle jabs at the Republicans in Congress. I liked Obama slightly more.
I'm not terribly fond of the way you're 'trying to educate' us angry right wingers? You're doing the same thing you accuse Rush of doing, i.e. hate mongering. You get more flies with honey than with vinegar.
Well, you can respond to specific points of anyone makes is fine..but this comment below is sort of what I wish everyone would refer to.
"Go hug some trees or polar bears and save them from the global warming scheme once again fabricated to enslave us into more government dependency."
I'm not saying he's innocent and you are guilty...just everyone be kind.
I don't know what you mean by it's "sort of what I wish everyone would refer to."
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