Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Recognition to Madeleine

Today was a recognition assembly at Maddy's school --
She received several awards. 1st-Honor roll,2ndThumbs-up for 2 traits-thoughtfulness and being hard-working-3rd-student of the month for Sept- and for November(positive attitude and kindness)

I am proud of all her hard work and all of her teachers love and appreciate her help.
Love you Madeleine


munga said...

WOW!! Madeleine!! Congratulations!!
We're so proud of you and your accomplishments. You're a force to be reckoned with.
This calls for a special 'Maddy' & Grandma date ~ lunch and a special treat. I'll check with you to see when you're available.
Wish I could have been there today to see you get the recognition you deserve.
Love you so much.

John R. Wilkins said...

Way to go Mad dog!
G'pa the grump