Sunday, November 4, 2007

I Changed My Display Name to Munga

Guess it's time I posted directly to the blog instead of just posting to comments.

I'm so glad Valerie started this blog. It's a GREAT way to stay in touch with each other.

This has been such an exciting year ~ Justin graduating from Century High School (2006) and leaving on his mission to Russia; a beautiful new grandson; Mark finishing residency requirements and receiving his degree; Andrea able to discontinue medical transcription so she can catch up on much needed sleep and devote the time to family. Now that she is the mother of four children, 8 and under, she continues to amaze us with her excellent parenting skills and gourmet cooking to name just a couple. Ryser family moving nearer to us and building a beautiful new home in Draper; Courtney showing what she's made of by graduating from Pacific University and Army Basic Training with all its rigors; Courtney and Dan getting engaged and soon to be married; Brooke being baptized and Garrett being blessed; all of our grandchildren committed to getting good grades in school; Amber taking the initiative to find a new job entirely on her own; Jonathan choosing to play football and LaCross and giving it his all; Madeleine and Laura choosing to play soccer and doing their very best; Will choosing to take piano lessons and practicing so he could do well at his recitial which we enjoyed very much; Brooke, Anna and Lainie choosing to take dance lessons and drama ~ the list goes on and on. We are so blessed in so many ways.

I wish Valerie's life could be easier but I admire the way she has perservered in spite of the obstacles which have been placed in her path.

I wish Jennifer could be relieved of the pain she has to endure on a daily basis but she continues to be a good wife and mother and is so loving and caring about everyone around her. I hope I haven't left out any milestones, but if I have, chalk it up to old age.

We are so thankful for Kim, Mark and Dan who are so good to our daughters and Courtney and grandchildren.

I am so thankful to my good husband who has always been such a good provider and helpmate.

Thanks to Jennifer, Melanie is seeing a new psychiatrist and has started on a new medication. We hope and pray that she will begin to have a better quality of life.

Know that I love all of you and am so blessed to be your wife, mother and grandmother.

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