Saturday, December 1, 2007

My List of Six

So, Courtney tagged me and so I am supposed to write 6 little known things about me. I think Courntey is like me, as far as being an open book. I don't really have secrets......but here goes!

1. I can't wait for "Horton Hears a Who" movie to be released. I have a secret love of the story. When I was a kid I was just SURE that we (our world as we know it) was a microscopic piece of dust in another bigger world, so whenever the wind blew hard I would imagine what in that larger world might have made it happen. earthquake in our world was just us being 'dropped' or 'kicked' by something giant in the bigger world. So, when I first heard Dr. Suess' book "Horton Hears a Who", it was like someone had written a story about this little part of my head trip.....I was in love!

2. I LOVE to hang upside down. When I was a kid I would do it for hours. I would lay there and try to figure out what it would be like to live upside down and walk on ceilings. For some weird reason it was an escape for me to imagine an upside down world.

3. I was addicted to the reality show "Rock of Love". Why? Don't have a clue....but I actually looked forward to the coming episodes. I don't really watch any others on purpose, but I've seen a couple of "Keeping up with the Cardashians" and I will watch it if I see it's on. They fascinate me, I think because they are rich, but also very close as a family....and I was trying to figure out what made them famous and rich and why their dad is Bruce Jenner, but their name was Cardashian. I finally got sick of not being able to figure it out from the show, so I had to google it.

4. I would love to travel to a 3rd world country and do humanitarian work for a year....bring a fresh water well to a village or care for orphans or anything that would benefit the community.

5. Someday when the kids are grown I may sell everything I own and move to Breitenbush to work for a year, then go travel around the world with only a backpack staying in hostels and campgrounds until I'm ready to settle down again, in a tiny little cottage at the beach or in the woods.

6. I won't kill bugs (on purpose). In keeping with the Horton theme, when I was a kid I always imagined all creatures as having homes and families who cared about them (I know they don't, but I have a tender, naive heart), so I thought if they died their family would be wondering where they went. I also don't like it when a fly or other insect gets in my car and I inadvertantly drive somewhere with them inside because I think that when they escape outside when I get to my destination they will be 'lost' and not know how to get home.....I know, WEIRD, huh? So I will take them outside rather than kill them when they are inside my house....unless they are seriously trying to bite me, then I show no mercy.

I tag........Grandpa John, Grandma Sharon and Maddy

1 comment:

jenn said...

Val- about your desire to help in a third world country--.I had dinner last nite with 2 of my high school friends.Mara and Michelle.Michelle is now a dental heigienst(sp),tempt for Dr Atack.Anyways-A year ago November she went to Romania thru Pcc dental program and assisted in orphanages for disabled girls.She now is planning to go to Honduras for 2 weeks in the spring to do more dental volunteering.